Tucker International has developed a new tool and process to address the current crisis in global leadership.
Many thousands of HR professionals and business leaders recently surveyed say that they do not have the global leaders they need, and they say that “cultural issues will dominate the new competencies that will be required of global leaders over the next ten years.”
A strong case has been made that both a traditional competency approach (Horizontal) and a cognitive developmental approach (Vertical), are needed to provide the type of leadership equal to the challenges presented by the contemporary, increasingly complex global business environment. For the first time, this combined approach is now available with our HV Model.
The nine intercultural competencies in the Horizontal part of the model are derived from our study of over 1800 global leaders of 41 nationalities. They are assessed by means of our Global Leader Tucker Assessment Profile (GLTAP), an 86 item, on-line instrument. We begin the development process with feedback on individual scores compared with our global data-base. The next step is a way to overcome an “immunity to change” and perform the competencies. Working with a Tucker coach, a leader can not only set out goals for developing the competencies, but can explore the underlying roots that have prevented development and made him or her “immune to change”.
(Following the webcast, we will forward a copy of our Essay: “Overcoming Immunity to Change among Global Leaders: The HV Model of Global Leadership Development”. We will also offer acomplimentary ‘GLTAP Snapshot’ – a short version of the instrument and a sample Feedback Guide.)
Our New HV Model of Global Leadership Development
by Lori Tucker Eccher | Jan 20, 2016 | Press, Tucker International News | 0 comments